Last Updated on April 18, 2024 by Eric Livingston

9 Pros of Living in Mérida, Yucatán

Here are 9 Pros of Living in Mérida, Yucatán Mexico

There are at least 9 pros to living in Mérida, Yucatán. Certainly, like any place, there are negatives as well. It’s just the way the world works. If a place is so great, then it will turn expensive and out of reach for the common person. Bureaucracy, business friendliness, climate, cost of affordable housing, cost of living, crime, cuisine, family friendly, fun, healthcare, infrastructure, job opportunities, language, location, nightlife, and restaurants are the main attributes people consider when choosing a place to live. Obviously, this list is subjective as some things are important to some, while others are not. For example, I don’t care about nightlife. Those days are long gone; however, I understand if that’s important to someone else.

My Video of the 9 Pros of Living in Mérida, Yucatán

I created a video describing what I believe to be the 9 pros of living in Mérida, Yucatán. I’ve also made a video with 9 cons of living in Mérida, Yucatán. Remember, every place has its pros and cons. That’s just life. While some people will “defend” their country, city or town to the death against any criticism, that’s just plain childish. I have no problem with someone criticizing my home country or state or whatever but then again, I’ve never understood Nationalism. To be blunt, the location where sperm was injected into your mother isn’t something to be proud of. It’s random. You didn’t choose your place of birth. National pride is silly. Be proud of something you or a loved one has accomplished in life, not some random location where you were born. It’s fine to like the culture, sports teams, whatever but “proud” isn’t the correct word.

Mérida Blends Old-World with Modernity Seamlessly

Mérida was one of the wealthiest cities in the world at the turn of the 20th century. Its wealth was created from the production and sale of rope made from the henequen plant which is abundant in the Yucatán peninsula. Rope was exported to the United States and Europe. The wealth can be seen as one drives down Paseo de Montejo and marvels at the mansions alongside the beautiful avenue. Henequen was Mérida’s green gold or “oro verde” just as the banana is Ecuador’s “oro verde”. In fact, Ecuador even has a hotel chain by that name. However, Mérida is also very modern with shopping plazas such as Alta Brisa, Galerías, La Isla, and The Harbor, all of which are located in the north of the city. These malls offer all the modern conveniences of the world we currently live including fine dining and shopping hosting some of the most recognizable brands in the world. This is undoubtedly one of the pros of living in Mérida.

Safety is One of the Pros of Living in Mérida

Naturally, people seek a safe place to live. Mérida is certainly safe in terms of physical violence. It is not, however, immune to theft. I’ve mentioned in other blog posts and videos how my bicycle was stolen from the gated community I live in. Still, the city is safe from violent crime. For whatever reason, it just doesn’t happen here. Safety is definitely one of the pros of living in Mérida.

Yucatecan and International Cuisine

The food in Yucatán is delicious. I love cochinita pibil, panuchos, salbutes, sopa de lima and more. As much as I love Mexican food, I like variety and Mérida delivers on all fronts, whether it be Brazilian rodizio, burgers, Chinese, pizza, sushi etc. One of my favorite sushi places is located on the first floor of La Isla mall called Izakaya. I love it. They have 2 for 1 on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s. Check it out! Yucatecan gastronomy in addition to various other cuisines is certainly one of the pros of living in Mérida. You’ll never run out of different foods to try.

Check out my video on the 9 Pros of Living in Mérida

Traffic Isn’t That Bad in Mérida

I’ve driven all around Mérida and I must say it’s pretty easy to get around, whether you’re going to the beach, el centro , or shopping, it’s rare to find unbearable traffic. It does exist but it’s certainly not as bad as major cities around the world. I don’t find it to be an issue. Having little traffic is definitely one of the pros of living in Mérida.

Progreso is 20 Minutes Away; Valladolid 2 Hours

If you’re located in the desirable northern part of Mérida, then the beach city of Progreso is just 20 minutes away. This small city is home to the longest pier in the world and is close to Chicxulub, the home of the crater by the same name, though by most to have caused the dinosaurs extinction. This is very convenient. You’re able to “go for the day” and be home for dinner. Additionally, the fabulous Valladolid, which is certainly in my top 5 cities I’ve ever been to, is only 2 hours away max. It sits smack dab between Mérida and Cancún. The city is surrounded by the best cenotes Yucatán has to offer and has an awesome, chill vibe to it. I absolutely love Valladolid. Check out the Maya dancers performing la Jarana at Parque Francisco Cantón Rosado in el centro. You’ll love it. The proximity to Progreso and Valladolid is certainly one of the pros of living in Mérida.

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