Last Updated on April 15, 2024 by Eric Livingston

Live in Peru

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  1. Live in Peru

Live in Peru | Embrace It’s Legacy and Scenic Beauty

More and more people want to live in Peru. Situated on South America’s western coast, Peru is an interesting blend of historical charm and natural marvels. Peru is bordered by 5 countries: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, and Ecuador. Peru, renowned for its captivating landscapes and legacy of the Inca civilization, warmly welcomes visitors to explore its diverse topography and deep-rooted traditions.

If You Really Want to Live in Peru, Learn Spanish

Before I delve into the history and some of the best places to live in Peru, I’d like readers to understand that Peru, like much of Latin America is a Spanish speaking country. English is NOT widely spoken. Unless you want to live in an overcrowded, overly touristy place like Cancún or Playa del Carmen and listen to “Hey my friend” English all day, I suggest you bite the bullet and learn Spanish via television like I did. Make it fun! Make it part of your life, like working out or brushing your teeth and YOU WILL SPEAK SPANISH. Don’t wait!

Inca History in Peru

Machu Picchu, Peru with a llama in the forefront on a sunny day. This picture alone makes me want to live in Peru.

The Inca civilization, one of the most powerful and sophisticated ancient cultures, thrived in Peru from the 15th to the early 16th century. The heartland of the Inca Empire was in the Andes Mountains of Peru. The Incas were known for their advanced agricultural techniques, impressive architecture, and intricate road systems. Their capital, Cusco, was a major cultural and political center. The Inca Empire reached its peak under Emperor Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui aka Pachacutec, expanding to include parts of, Bolivia, Chile, and Ecuador. However, in 1533, Spanish conquistadors, led by Francisco Pizarro, ousted the Inca Empire, marking the end of the Inca rule in Peru.

The Incas Left a Legacy in Peru

The Incas, known for their remarkable architectural and engineering skills, left a legacy on the Peruvian landscape. Among their marvels is awe inspiring Machu Picchu, an iconic archaeological site perched high in the Andes. Annually, hundreds of thousands of visitors explore this UNESCO World Heritage Site, inscribed in 1983, contributing significantly to the local economy of nearby Cusco and Peru overall. This ancient city, often referred to as the “Lost City of the Incas,” continues to captivate visitors and those that live in Peru.

Indigenous Areas in Peru

Cusco, the former capital of the Inca Empire, is a significant hub of indigenous culture. The Sacred Valley, located near Cusco, is dotted with ancient Inca ruins and indigenous communities. The city of Arequipa, in southern Peru, is known for its indigenous influence, evident in its architecture and local traditions. Additionally, the Amazon rainforest regions of Peru like Iquitos are inhabited by various indigenous tribes, each with its unique culture and way of life. These areas continue to celebrate and maintain their indigenous heritage.

Climate Across Peru

Peru’s climate varies dramatically across its regions. While Lima, the coastal capital, experiences a mild desert climate, the Andean areas at higher elevations have cooler temperatures. In contrast, the Amazon Rainforest’s climate is lush and tropical, which makes Peru very diverse climatically. Here’s a breakdown of some different climates throughout Peru that you could live in:

Arequipa, nestled in the Andes Mountains, has a cool desert climate (Köppen Classification: BWk). Days are warm and sunny, while nights can be quite chilly. Arequipa experiences very little rainfall, therefore making it an arid environment.

Cusco, another Andean city, has a subtropical highland climate (Köppen Classification: Cwb). It features mild days and cool nights throughout the year. The rainy season occurs from November to March, while the rest of the year remains relatively dry.

Located in the heart of the Amazon Rainforest, Iquitos has a tropical rainforest climate (Köppen Classification: Af). It’s characterized by high temperatures and abundant rainfall throughout the year, making it one of the wettest cities in the world.

Lima, being on the coast of the Pacific Ocean, experiences a mild desert climate (Köppen Classification: BWh), characterized by warm summers, mild winters, and very low precipitation. Fog, known locally as “garúa,” often blankets the city during the winter months.

Peru’s Economic Stability and Growth

Peru has emerged as a robust economy in South America. Abundant in natural resources like copper, gold, and silver, Peru’s economy depends on mining and exports. Additionally, sectors such as tourism, agriculture, and manufacturing significantly contribute to the nation’s economic stability. The official currency of Peru is the Sol or Soles when plural.

Mining in La Rinconada is No Joke

La Rinconada in southeastern Peru sits at an altitude of approximately 5,100 meters (16,732 feet) above sea level. This high altitude contributes to extremely difficult living conditions. It’s the highest permanent settlement in the world, located in the Andes Mountains near a gold mine.

Independence and Modern Era

Peru gained independence from Spain on July 28, 1821, under the leadership of prominent figures such as José de la Riva-Agüero and José de San Martín. San Martín, an Argentine general, played a pivotal role in liberating several South American countries from Spanish rule. His military campaigns, including the decisive Battle of Ayacucho on December 9, 1824, led to the complete independence of Peru. This significant achievement marked the end of Spanish colonial rule Peru emerged as a sovereign nation. Today, Peru proudly stands as a sovereign nation, preserving its heritage while embracing modernity. That’s what so many people like to live in Peru.

José de San Martín was an Ally of Simón Bolívar

Two of the most influential leaders in the Latin American wars of independence, were in communication during the independence movement. exchanged a series of letters and eventually met up to discuss the liberation of South America from Spanish colonial rule.

Did José de San Martín and Simón Bolívar Physically Meet One Another?

The two independence leaders met in Guayaquil, Ecuador, on July 26 and 27, 1822. During this meeting, they discussed the future of the South American independence movement. As far as recorded history indicates, this was the only documented physical meeting between Bolívar and San Martín. The details of their conversation and the nature of their relationship have been a subject of historical debate, but it is widely acknowledged that they did have a face-to-face meeting in addition to their written correspondence.

José de San Martín and Simón Bolívar Didn’t Always Agree

While they shared a common goal, they also had differences in their approaches and visions for the newly liberated nations. Despite their occasional disagreements, their combined efforts significantly contributed to the independence of several South American countries and Panama (which was part of Colombia until the U.S. intervened in 1903).

Independence from Spanish Rule

Independence of current day Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, and Venezuela can be attributed to José de San Martín and/or Simón Bolívar.

Live in Peru – An Expats Dream

From the lively streets of Lima to the serene beauty of Lake Titicaca, the arid, mountainous, cool climate of Arequipa, vast desert landscapes to the steamy Amazon, Peru offers varying climates and topography to suit all tastes. Peru draws expatriates from around the world with its unique blend of ancient allure and contemporary living. I personally enjoy countries whereby you can appreciate their history yet enjoy modern living at the same time. Peru is a great example of this, like Mexico. I understand why so many want to live in Peru.

Award Winning Peruvian Cuisine

Peru’s cuisine is renowned globally for its diverse flavors, innovative techniques, and exquisite presentation, earning accolades and recognition on the international culinary stage. Its gastronomy blends indigenous ingredients with influences from Spanish, African, and Asian culinary traditions. From the flavorful heat of aji amarillo (yellow chili pepper) to the hearty aji de gallina (shredded chicken in spicy sauce), Peruvian cuisine serves up a gastronomic adventure, for foodies from around the world. In 2023, Central, in Lima was named the best restaurant in the world by Conde Naste in their annual The World’s 50 Best Restaurants contest.

Peru’s Two Culinary C’s – Ceviche and Chifa


One of Peru’s most celebrated dishes is ceviche, a refreshing and tangy seafood dish made with fresh raw fish marinated in lime juice, onions, and chili peppers, often served with sweet potato and corn. While it’s not unique to Peru alone, it’s certainly a staple in Peruvians diet, especially in coastal locations where the seafood is always fresh. I’m a big fan of ceviche. I ate it a lot in neighboring Ecuador.


Chifa, a popular culinary style in Peru, represents the fusion of Peruvian and Chinese flavors, creating unique dishes like lomo saltado, a stir-fry combining marinated beef, vegetables, and Peruvian spices and Chaufa which is simply Peruvian-Chinese style fried rice accompanied with some form of protein. Dishes are typically served with tallarin (spaghetti like noodles) or rice and some are even accompanied with french fries. I ate so much Chaufa in Ecuador and will eat a lot more in Peru.

Chifa, Chaufa, Chaufero?

The names can be a bit confusing. Chifa is the Peruvian Chinese cuisine, chaufa or arroz chaufa is a fried rice dish made with vegetables, usually including scallions, eggs, soy sauce and that is usually accompanied with meat of some sort whether beef, chicken, duck, pork, or seafood. Chaufero is the name of the chef that prepares the chaufa. Although Chifa restaurants started in Peru they can also be found in Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador. I ate plenty of Chaufa in Ecuador.

You Eat Guinea Pig?

I certainly don’t. While some Andean highland regions of Peru indulge in the traditional dish of cuy (guinea pig), it’s not a staple across the whole country and generally not eaten by middle to upper class Peruvians. It’s a widely available low-cost source of protein for the locals that live in the Peruvian highlands. It’s not that odd really. I’m guessing cuy probably even tastes good. They eat grasshoppers (chapulines) in Mexico, big assed ants (hormigas culonas) in Santander, Colombia, grubs in Iquitos, Peru, Balut (chicken fetus in egg) in the Philippines, Cambodia and Vietnam etc. If I had to choose any of those, I’d probably go with Cuy. Cuy is also eaten in Bolivia, Colombia and Ecuador. I’ve seen them hanging for sale in Ecuador. No thanks. I’m sure they taste fine but I just can’t.

A man in blue t-shirt is roasting cuy aka guinea pig while an indigenous woman with a hat stands behind him.
Cuy is a good source of available protein but I just can’t…

Political Scandal Rocked Peru in the 2000’s

Vladi-videos Scandal and Downfall of Fujimori Regime

The “Vladi-videos” scandal took place in 2000. During this time, a series of secretly recorded videos were released to the public, showing widespread corruption within the Peruvian government, particularly implicating former President Alberto Fujimori, and several high-ranking officials. These videos, recorded by Vladimiro Montesinos, a notorious intelligence chief accused of numerous crimes himself, captured instances of bribery, vote-buying, and abuse of power.

Alberto Fujimori Flees to Japan, then Chile

The scandal led to significant unrest and political disorder in Peru, eventually contributing to the collapse of the Fujimori administration. In the aftermath, Alberto Fujimori initially fled to Japan and later to Chile, where he was arrested and extradited back to Peru in 2007.

In the End, Alberto Fujimori was Given a 32-Year Prison Term

In 2009, Fujimori was sentenced to 25 years in prison for his connection in human rights abuses, specifically for his role in two massacres carried out by paramilitary groups in the early 1990s. Additionally, he was given a separate 7-year prison sentence for corruption charges related to his government’s illegal wiretapping activities and embezzlement of public funds. In total, the Peruvian court issued a total prison term of 32 years for Alberto Fujimori, although there is some ambiguity in Wikipedia regarding the additional sentence added.

Pardoned, Not Pardoned, Pardoned Not Pardoned

Alberto Fujimore is 85 years old as I write this in November of 2023. Here is a breakdown of his pardon requests being granted then annulled:

December 24, 2017

First Time Alberto Fujimori is Pardoned

President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski grants him a pardon on grounds of poor health.

December 24, 2017
October 3, 2018

Peruvian Supreme Court Sends Him Back to Jail

Nevertheless, the Supreme Court of Justice annulled Fujimori’s pardon, compelling him to return to prison.

October 3, 2018
March 17, 2022

Constitutional Court of Peru Reinstates Pardon

Later, the Constitutional Court of Peru, in a narrow 4-3 decision, reinstated the pardon. However, the conditions and timeline for his potential release remained uncertain.

March 17, 2022
April 8, 2022

Inter-American Court of Human Rights Rescinds Pardon

Subsequently, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights overturned the ruling of the Constitutional Court, directing Peru not to release Fujimori.

April 8, 2022

Latin American Corruption

The “Vladi-videos” scandal had a deep impact on Peruvian politics, exposing deep-rooted corruption within the government which led to increased scrutiny and efforts to combat corruption in the years that followed. Corruption in Latin America continues to be a problem.

Cities to Live in Peru

Lima, Peru

Miraflores neighborhood in Lima, Peru sits above the oceanside cliffs on a partly sunny day.

Lima, the capital city of Peru, stands as the largest and most populous city in the country. Situated along the central western coast of South America, Lima boasts a rich history and vibrant culture. It serves as Peru’s economic, political, and cultural epicenter. Lima’s diverse districts offer a glimpse into the country’s multifaceted identity, blending colonial architecture with modern developments. The city’s culinary scene is renowned globally, making Lima a gastronomic paradise. With a population exceeding 10 million, Lima’s dynamic energy is palpable, drawing both residents and visitors alike. Lots of Expats choose to live in Peru make Lima their home.

Best Places to Live in Lima, Peru

Miraflores is Lima’s most upscale and tourist-friendly district. It sits alongside the Pacific. It offers a mix of modern apartments, luxury homes, and convenient access to amenities. Parque Kennedy (Named after U.S. President John F. Kennedy) is one of the most iconic parks in Miraflores, Parque Kennedy is vibrant with street performers, and for some reason the presence of friendly cats! It’s a central meeting point surrounded by shops and cafes.


Parque Kennedy (Named after U.S. President John F. Kennedy) is one of the most iconic parks in Miraflores, Parque Kennedy is vibrant with street performers, and for some reason the presence of friendly cats! It’s a central meeting point surrounded by shops and cafes.
Parque del Amor located on the scenic Miraflores Malecón offers breathtaking views of the Pacific Ocean. The park is famous for its romantic sculpture, “El Beso” (The Kiss), and colorful mosaic walls.
Parque Reducto No. 2: A spacious park featuring green areas, walking paths, and recreational spaces. It provides a chill vibe for locals and visitors.


Larcomar is a premier shopping and entertainment complex built into the cliffs overlooking the Pacific Ocean. It houses a variety of cafes, a cinema, restaurants, upscale shops and has bad ass views of the coastline.
Ovalo Miraflores aka Miraflores Central Park is a bustling area surrounded by more cafes, restaurants and shops. It’s the commercial center of Miraflores.
While not a traditional shopping plaza, Mercado Indios is a vibrant artisan market where you can find handmade crafts, textiles, and souvenirs. It’s an excellent place to see Peruvian craftsmanship.

Often called Lima’s bohemian district, Barranco is a charming neighborhood with narrow streets, colorful colonial-style houses, and a lively artistic atmosphere. It’s all hipster-like. It’s known for its cultural spaces, galleries, and a variety of dining options. Barranco is popular among artists, expats, and those seeking a more chill lifestyle.

It’s also home to Puente de Suspiros which I’ve seen so many people mis-translate to Bridge of Sighs. While it’s true “Suspiro” means to “sigh” it also means to desire or yearn for something in addition to exhaling profoundly. Therefore, a much better translation is the “Bridge of Wishes” as that is the idea of El Puente de Suspiros, not to sigh! When you think of “sigh” it’s generally negative as in “My husband just looked at me and sighed when I asked him to take out the trash.” That’s not what El Puente de Suspiros is about! Stop with Google Translate already and learn real Spanish! A bridge of sighs makes no sense! So, make a wish, hold your breath, cross the bridge and let out a suspiro! Haha


Parque Municipal is a charming park that often hosts cultural events and is a great spot to take a leisurely stroll.
Bajada de los Baños which leads down to the beach, offers scenic views and a chill vibe.


Puente de los Suspiros Market is a local market near the famous bridge it’s named for.
Barranco Boulevard is a cool street with various boutiques and cafes.

If you’re all serious and businesslike then San Isidro may be for you. It’s the well-established residential and financial district of Lima. It’s got lots of green spaces and upscale homes. San Isidro is considered one of Lima’s safest neighborhoods and is also the most expensive.

While primarily a business district, San Isidro is home to a variety of cafes and upscale restaurants, making it a culinary destination.


Parque El Olivar is characterized by its olive trees and offers a chill atmosphere to relax or engage in outdoor activities.
Parque Roosevelt is a well-maintained park with green spaces and recreational areas, providing a nice escape from the urban hustle.


Camino Real Shopping Center is a sophisticated shopping center featuring boutiques, upscale dining and high-end stores.
Centro Empresarial Real is a business complex that includes shops and services catering to professionals working in the area.

Arequipa, Peru

Plaza de Armas in Arequipa, Peru with volcano in the background on a partly sunny day with a few clouds.

Known as the “White City” due to its striking white volcanic stone buildings, Arequipa is the second-largest city in Peru. Surrounded by three imposing volcanoes, the city’s dramatic setting adds to its allure. Arequipa’s historic center is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, inscribed 2000. The city exemplifies a seamless blend of Spanish colonial and native architectural styles. Arequipa is renowned for its culinary scene. It serves as the gateway to the Colca Canyon, one of the world’s deepest canyons, offering breathtaking views and opportunities for adventure. Arequipa is the second most popular city for expats to live in Peru after Lima.

Best Places to Live in Arequipa, Peru

Located north of downtown Arequipa, Cayma is a peaceful residential area known for its spacious houses and parks. The district offers a quieter environment while still providing easy access to the city center.


Parque Lambramani is a cool park with green spaces, walking paths, and recreational areas. It’s great to see green areas in an arid city like Arequipa.
Parque la Pera is another park that’s good to relax or partake in outdoor activities.


Mall Aventura Plaza Arequipa is a modern mall with a variety of dining options, entertainment, and retail stores.
Cayma Plaza Shopping Center is another shopping destination where you can find cafes, restaurants, and shops.

Vallecito is a central district known for its convenience and proximity to key amenities. With a mix of residential and commercial spaces, Vallecito offers a dynamic urban lifestyle while maintaining a sense of community.


Parque Selva Alegre is a lovely green park, featuring walking trails, and a serene environment.
Parque Infantil Vallecito is a children’s park where families can enjoy outdoor activities and recreation in a safe and welcoming setting.


Real Plaza Arequipa is a prominent shopping mall near Vallecito, providing a range of entertainment choices, restaurants, and retail stores.
Mall Plaza Arequipa is another shopping local where you can explore differnt shops and eating at diverse restaurants.

Yanahuara is a historic district with a colonial charm and iconic viewpoints offering stunning panoramas of Arequipa and the surrounding volcanoes. It has a mix of traditional and modern residences, making it an attractive area for both locals and expats.


Mirador de Yanahuara is not a traditional park yet offers stunning views of the Arequipa and its surrounding volcanoes. It’s a popular spot for both locals and tourists.
Plaza Yanahuara is a central plaza surrounded by historical buildings and gardens that emits serenity.


C.C. Real Plaza Salaverry is a shopping mall with numerous, dining, entertainment and shopping.

Cusco, Peru

An indigenous woman walks down a narrow street with what appears to be tourists with backpacks in Cusco, Peru on an overcast day.

Nestled in the Andes Mountains, Cusco holds the distinction of being the historic capital of the Inca Empire. This city, surrounded by stunning natural landscapes, is a treasure trove of archaeological wonders. Cusco serves as the gateway to the iconic Machu Picchu, a UNESCO World Heritage Site inscribed in 1983 that is deemed New Seven Wonders of the World. The city itself boasts enchanting colonial architecture, cobblestone streets, and vibrant markets, offering visitors a unique blend of ancient history and modern charm. It’s a certain type of person that chooses Cusco when deciding on where to live in Peru.

No Fancy Malls in Cusco

In the heart of Cusco, you won’t find the typical gleaming shopping malls that characterize many modern cities. Some expats that choose to live in Peru, stay in Cusco for that very reason. Instead, Cusco offers an authentic shopping experience that mirrors the city’s rich cultural heritage. The absence of traditional malls is a testament to the emphasis on preserving indigenous traditions and the dedication to handcrafted artistry. If you visit, please connect with the community and take home a one-of-a-kind treasure from Cusco.

Best Places to Live in Cusco, Peru

San Blas, often referred to as the artisan’s quarter, is a picturesque neighborhood with narrow cobblestone streets and a bohemian atmosphere. It’s known for its art, boutique hotels, and cozy cafes.


San Blas Plaza is a quaint and artistic square surrounded by narrow cobblestone streets and historic buildings.


San Blas Market is known for its local handmade goods and textiles.

San Pedro is a central district known for its busy market and proximity to Cusco’s main attractions. It offers a mix of traditional and modern living, attracting expats, locals and tourists.


Plaza San Pedro is the central square with benches, green spaces, and the San Pedro Market nearby.


San Pedro Market, a lively market where you can find fresh produce, local crafts, and a variety of goods.

Santa Ana is a residential area known for its peaceful surroundings and scenic views of Cusco. There’s a mix of housing options that provide sense of calm while still being close to Cusco’s historic center.


Plaza Santa Ana is a lovely green square with a church.


C.C. Real Plaza Salaverry is a shopping mall with numerous, dining, entertainment and shopping.

Iquitos, Peru

A woman seen in a grilled fish market with plenty of grilled fish on the table in addition to the head of a caiman in the isolated Iquitos, Peru in the Amazon.

Iquitos, situated deep in the heart of the Amazon Rainforest, is the largest city in the world inaccessible by road, not including islands. Accessible only by river boat or plane, Iquitos offers a unique experience for travelers seeking adventure in the Amazon basin. Surrounded by lush rainforests and the Amazon River, Iquitos serves as a gateway for exploring the diverse flora and fauna of the region. The city is also known for its vibrant street markets, traditional Peruvian cuisine, and the captivating Belén neighborhood, which floats on the water during the rainy season, providing an extraordinary glimpse into the Amazonian way of life. There are virtually no expats living in Iquitos. It appears to be an awesome destination to visit but not the best place to live in Peru for most foreigners.

Sorry, There Are No “Best Places to Live” in Iquitos, Peru

The concept of “neighborhoods” in Iquitos takes on a different meaning as the city harmoniously merges with the surrounding Amazon rainforest. Residents often dwell in riverside communities, fostering a unique urban-nature coexistence. Many make a living off the land, relying on the abundance of the Amazon River for sustenance. However, this symbiotic relationship with nature also brings challenges, with poverty being a reality. Despite the absence of traditional residential districts, Iquitos’ appeal lies in its close connection to the lush rainforest.

I’d Love to Visit Iquitos

Iquitos just seems so mysterious to me. I know I’d never want to live there as I can’t stand humidity and most things “Amazonian” like Caimans, mosquitoes, piranhas, snakes or whatever else is there but I’d love to visit. I see they eat grubs too which doesn’t appeal to me. I imagine Iquitos being a place like Pandora in the movie Avatar where the Na’vi were truly connected with nature. That’s awesome!

Trujillo, Peru

Plaza de Armas in Trujillo, Peru on an overcast day.

Trujillo, located on the northern coast of Peru, is steeped in pre-Colombian history and colonial charm. Most consider it to have a pleasant climate year-round. Trujillo is a hub of archaeological wonders, including the ancient Moche and Chimú civilizations. The city’s colonial architecture, colorful facades, and lively atmosphere make it a captivating destination. Trujillo’s nearby beaches, such as Huanchaco, are cool spots for surfers and beach enthusiasts.

Best Places to Live in Trujillo, Peru

Victor Larco Herrera is a district in Trujillo known for its modern infrastructure, shopping centers, and residential areas. It’s considered one of the safer neighborhoods in the city, attracting families and professionals.


Parque Cesar Vallejo is a serene park named after the renowned Peruvian poet, with green spaces and a chill vibe.


Real Plaza Trujillo is a large shopping center with a variety of, dining options, entertainment and retail stores.

La Merced is a historical district with colonial architecture, narrow streets, and a lively atmosphere. It offers a mix of traditional and modern living, with easy access to local markets and cultural attractions.

El Golf is an emerging residential and commercial area in Trujillo, characterized by modern developments and green spaces. It’s become a good choice for those seeking a contemporary lifestyle with proximity to amenities.

Other Notable Cities

Chiclayo is located on the northwestern coast of Peru, is known for its rich cultural heritage and archaeological discoveries. The city is a gateway to ancient wonders such as the Lord of Sipán tomb, showcasing artifacts from the Moche civilization. Chiclayo’s vibrant markets, including the Mercado Modelo, offer a glimpse into local traditions and crafts. The city’s culinary scene is celebrated, with a focus on seafood dishes, making it a delightful destination for food enthusiasts.

Huancayo, nestled in the scenic Andean highlands, offers a serene escape into Peru’s natural beauty. Surrounded by picturesque mountains and valleys, Huancayo is a paradise for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts. The city is renowned for its traditional folk music and colorful festivals, providing visitors with an authentic cultural experience. Huancayo’s nearby attractions, such as the scenic Jauja Valley aka Mantaro Valley and the thermal baths of Cochas Chico, make it a charming destination off the beaten path.

Huacachina is a Desert Oasis

Huacachina is a small desert oasis located near the city of Ica in southwestern Peru with an estimated population of just one to two hundred. It’s famous for its picturesque lagoon, surrounded by palm trees and towering sand dunes. The oasis is a popular destination for travelers seeking adventure activities such as sandboarding, dune buggies, and taking relaxing boat rides on the lagoon. Huacachina offers a unique and tranquil experience amidst the desert landscape.

Nazca Lines

The Nazca Lines, located in the arid coastal plains of southern Peru, are a series of ancient geoglyphs etched into the desert floor. These amazing designs, created by the Nazca people between 500 BCE and 500 CE, consist of various shapes, including animals, plants, and geometric patterns. The purpose behind these intricate drawings remains a mystery, sparking theories and speculations among researchers and archaeologists. Best viewed from the air, the Nazca Lines continue to captivate the world and make us ponder the ancient civilization that created them.

Banking System in Peru

Historical Roots of the Peruvian Banking Sector

The Central Reserve Bank of Peru (Banco Central de Reserva del Perú; BCRP) is the Peruvian central bank. The bank produces both metal and paper currency, called the Sol or Soles in plural. Its presence in Arequipa dates to 1871. At that time, it also provided management of savings accounts in Southern Peru. Today it’s the equivalent of the Federal Reserve of the United States or the European Central Bank. Over the years, the sector underwent significant transformations, welcoming international players like Banco Santander and BBVA. In 1996, the Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y Administradoras Privadas de Fondos de Pensiones (SBS) (Spanish) was established, serving as the regulatory body overseeing the banking industry. The currency of Peru is called the Sol or Soles if plural.

Modern Developments and Regulatory Framework

In recent years, Peru’s banking landscape has witnessed a surge in innovation and technological advancements. Digital banking solutions, mobile payment platforms, and internet banking services have become commonplace, ensuring convenient and secure transactions. The SBS continues to play a pivotal role in regulating the sector, ensuring compliance with international standards, and fostering a stable financial environment for businesses, consumers, and investors that work or live in Peru.

Firearm Laws in Peru

National Superintendence of Control of Security Services, Weapons, Ammunition and Explosives for Civil Use

The following information was taken directly from Peru’s Ministry of Interior’s National Superintendence of Control of Security Services, Weapons, Ammunition and Explosives for Civil Use government website (Spanish) and translated into English. You can find Peru’s firearms legislation PDF in Spanish with the articles establishing the regulations, requirements and law of gun use and ownership which is dated April 1, 2017. You can own a firearm and live in Peru but the law is quite strict. Read on.

Regulations of Law No. 30299

On April 1, 2017, by Supreme Decree No. 010-2017-IN, the Regulations of Law No. 30299, Law on firearms, ammunition, explosives, pyrotechnic products, and related materials for civil use, were approved. This legal norm reaches natural or legal persons, public or private, and details the various aspects contemplated in the articles of the law, in addition to Final Complementary Provisions and Transitory Complementary Provisions.

Conditions and Prohibitions for the Use of Weapons, Ammunition and Related Items

To access and maintain a license to use firearms, you must meet strict conditions and demonstrate that you have the physical, psychological, and legal conditions necessary to be a legal bearer of firearms.Among the Obligations and Prohibitions for the Use of Weapons, Ammunition and Related Items Are:


Not have judicial or police records for intentional crimes.
Not having been convicted by court ruling for any intentional crime, even in cases in which the applicant has the respective resolution of rehabilitation for serving a sentence.
Not having been sentenced as responsible for family violence.
Not having been admitted to a juvenile rehabilitation center.
Not having been discharged from the Armed Forces or the National Police of Peru.
Not have a current sanction for infractions committed against the Law on firearms, ammunition, explosives, pyrotechnic products, and related materials for civil use (Law No. 30299).
Express the reasons for the use of a firearm for personal defense.


Carrying or using firearms in situations that cause disruption of public order.
Carrying firearms under the influence of alcohol or narcotic or psychotropic substances.
Carrying firearms in public demonstrations, shows with an influx of public and recreation centers.
Alter the cadence aka rate of fire (number of shots the weapon can fire in a unit of time), the caliber (internal diameter of the barrel) or the power (propulsion force of the bullets) of the firearm.
Possess or use weapons without the respective license or ownership card, or with an expired license.
Use a weapon other than that authorized by the property and license card.
If you incur any of these offenses, the National Superintendency for the Control of Security Services, Weapons, Ammunition and Explosives for Civil Use (Sucamec) is empowered to cancel or suspend your license to use firearms.

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